J.C.C.E.S.K. is Jesus Christ's Church on earth by
his special Envoy Simon Kimbangu (J.C.C.E.S.K.) which delivers messages from Papa Simon Kimbangu.
Papa Simon Kimbangu Kiangani the actual head of the church is
also the spiritual leader and the legal representative of the Kimbanguist church.
A transitional phase must be followed to go back to the roots where our ancestors have lost our intelligence ; find out about the real truth of our future and all the wealth and happiness that will come with the end of the transitional phase and the beginning of Kulumbimbi.
To enter Kulumbimbi a strict respect of the recommendations made by Papa Joseph Diangienda Kuntima , the Holy Spirit must be followed:
love, the Biblical Commandments and Work (Bolingo, Mibeko and Misala).
A church was erected overnight by angels in Mbanza Kongo (Kongo Kingdom, part of the actual Angola) in 1596 and the church still stand now and it is known as kulumbimbi.
There is no way back, we are going forward.
Kulumbimbi does not depend on someone, it is a way forward that can't be stopped by an individual or a group of people, what ever the country you live.
If you jump on the train or not, it doesn't matter what matters is Kulumbimbi.
Catching a train is very difficult, there are three alternatives :
You missed the train completely,
You try but can't manage to catch the train,
Finally you decide to go to Kulumbimbi by following all the recommendations left by the Holy Spirit and you will catch easily your train.
To receive the "Elembo", all the benedictions; you must be prepared, so if it is sent to you as it is sent to many; you must be ready. If not you will miss out on the opportunity to get something beneficial for your entire life.
It is the same as catching a train , you are in or out. There is no middle position.
If you catch the train you will be able to welcome all the blessings.
At the beginning when God created human beings (Adam and Eve) to live in Paradise on earth, the first sins were witchcraft and adultery when Satan seduced Eve. Others sins derive from the first two sins.
Papa Simon Kimbangu in his most recognisable picture
“Papa Simon Kimbangu the Holy Spirit .
Papa Simon Kimbangu.
Papa Charles Daniel Kisolokele Lukelo.
Papa Salomon Dialungana Kiangani.
Papa Joseph Diangienda Kuntima.
Papa Simon Kimbangu Kiangani.
Papa Simon Kimbangu
Mouse over our Holy Papas from the Holy Trinity, Nkamba Temple, The
FAKI and the Angels and see the different descriptions.
“ Papa Simon Kimbangu with his sons Papa Kisolokele, Papa
Dialungana and Papa Diangienda and his grand son Papa Simon Kimbangu
Kiangani actual Spiritual Leader and Legal Representative of the
Kimbanguist's Church with angels surrounding them and the FAKI
(Fanfare Kimbanguiste) worshiping God's envoys.
Papa Simon Kimbangu was born on Wednesday, September 12, 1887 in the village of Nkamba, Bas Congo, Republic
Democratic of Congo from Kuyela his father and Luezi his mother and after the death of his mother; he was
adopted by his aunt Kinzembo. In Kikongo, his native mother tongue the word kimbangu means reveals the hidden truth
but asked witnesses to be silent and not to shout about it.